Horizons Virtual Trivia Night Fundraiser
Date: Saturday, February 20, 2021
Time: 7:30-9:00 p.m. (7:15 p.m. Zoom link opens for early-birds)
Place: This event is virtual and will take place over Zoom
Game: Team Trivia: Teams compete against each other for prizes
Tickets: Three team ticket packages available. Individual tickets also sold
Contact: Ginny Pracilio | Phone: 203-972-7005 | Email: gpracilio@horizonskids.org
General Event Information
- Horizons at NCCS is hosting a trivia game night to raise essential funds for our program and to bring people together for an evening of fun and community.
- To make a donation during the text-to-give
- Text the word: HorizonsTrivia
- To phone number: 76278
- Click on the link you receive back to complete your donation.
- This event is virtual and will take place over Zoom. A link to the Trivia Night Zoom will be emailed to attendees prior to the event. To join the event, click on the Zoom link from a device on which the Zoom app is installed.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9345 5393
- Horizons has hired a leading trivia company to facilitate the game which will include a broad range of categories from general knowledge to Name-That-Tune to ensure that everyone can participate and have fun.
- The game we will play is team trivia. Ticket purchasers will spearhead setting up their team. A team can consist of up to 6 households, including the ticket purchaser's own household. On game night, within a household, an individual or a couple sitting together sharing a Zoom screen, can play.
- The top two ticket levels include a scrumptious, curated catering box for every household on your team. Boxes will be available for pick up on the day of the event. Details to follow.
- If you are not playing on a team, individual tickets are available. You will compete against teams.
- During each round of trivia, you and your team will be sent to a Zoom breakout room dedicated exclusively to your team. Here, only your teammates' Zoom screens will be visible so you can work together in private on your team's answers to the questions.
- At the end of each round of trivia, the host will bring everyone back together to share the answers, announce that round's winner and share the leaderboard ranking all teams.
- Players will compete for 3 prizes: 1st place, 2nd place and Most Original Team Name.
- During the evening we will take a couple of short breaks from the game to share information about Horizons at NCCS and to raise money during a voluntary text-to-give.
- Funds raised will support the full range of programs and services provided in Summer 2021 and the 2021-2022 school year.
Where is this event taking place?
This event is virtual and will take place on Zoom. Prior to the event, you will receive via email a Zoom link to Trivia Night.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 898 9345 5393
What time should I arrive online?
The event will start promptly at 7:30 pm. The Zoom link will open at 7:15 pm for early-birds.
Can my children join Trivia Night?
This event is a fundraiser. The overall evening, and the trivia game, have been designed with adults in mind.
How will my team and I meet up virtually during the event?
During the trivia game, you and your team will meet up in your Team Breakout Room.
I bought a ticket that comes with NOSH/NIBBLE baskets. How do I get them?
Please plan on picking up your baskets the morning of the event as follows:
Saturday, February 20
Between 10:00 a.m - 1:00 p.m.
New Canaan Country School
635 Frogtown Road, New Canaan
Enter through the main NCCS entrance on Frogtown Road. Please pull up in front of Grace House, the main building, and your baskets will be delivered safely to your car.
Can my teammates pick up their own NOSH/NIBBLE baskets?
Absolutely! Provide them with the pickup information and they're all set. We don't even need to know ahead of time.
There are allergies in my house. What can you tell me about the contents of the NOSH/NIBBLE baskets?
Please be aware that the baskets contain nuts. The baskets may further contain or come in contact with common allergens, such as dairy, eggs, wheat, soybeans, tree nuts, peanuts, fish, shellfish or wheat.
I bought an individual ticket. Will I compete against teams?
Will there be prizes?
Yes! Prizes will be awarded to the winning team, runner up, and the team with the most original team name.
Are there any game rules?
The host of the trivia game will review the rules at the start of the game.
I've never done a Zoom, or I am not sure I'm Zoom-savvy enough to participate in a team trivia game. What do I need to do and know?
Participation in this game is easy. Make sure the Zoom app is installed on the device from which you will participate in Trivia Night, and set up an account. Prior to the event, you will receive an email with a link that will bring you to the Trivia Night Zoom. Simply click on that link by 7:30 p.m. If you've already installed the app and created a Zoom account you'll be all set.
I still have questions about the event? Who can I contact?
Please contact either Ginny Pracilio in the Horizons at NCCS office at (203) 972-7005 or via email at gpracilio@horizonskids.org.